DNA-Chitosan Bilayer Membrane as a Bi-functional Biomedical Adhesive
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Society of Polymer Scienceの論文
- 2003-03-15
力丸 智史
Nishikawa Rubber Co. Ltd.
NOMIZU Motoyoshi
Laboratory of Clinical Biochemistry, Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Science
Nishi Norio
Laboratory Of Bio-material Chemistry Division Of Bioscience Graduate School Of Environmental Earth S
Nomizu M
School Of Pharmacy Tokyo University Of Pharmacy And Life Sciences
野水 基義
Tokyo University Of Pharmacy And Life Sciences
Laboratory of Bio-Material Chemistry, Division of Bioscience, Graduate School of Environmental Earth
Laboratory of Bio-Material Chemistry, Division of Bioscience, Graduate School of Environmental Earth
Nomizu Motoyoshi
Laboratory Of Clinical Biochemistry Tokyo University Of Pharmacy And Life Sciences
Wakabayashi Yoko
Laboratory Of Bio-material Chemistry Division Of Bioscience Graduate School Of Environmental Earth S
- B36 ラミニンα1鎖とα4鎖Gドメインのループ部位をミミックしたサイクリックペプチドの生物活性(第36回日本結合組織学会学術大会)
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- 302 Identification of a new Japanese cedar pollen allergen homologous to aspartyl protease
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- MS2-2 Identification of a new Japanese cedar pollen allergen homologous to serine protease
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- Peptide-Chitosan Matrices Using Laminin-111 Peptides
- Identification of the Biological Active Peptides Derived from Laminin Alpha2 Chain LG4-5 Module
- Identification of Heparin Binding Sequences in the Laminin α5 Chain LG4-5 Module
- Identification of Biologically Active Sites on the N-Terminal Domain of Laminin Alpha 2 Chain
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- Peptide-Chitosan Membrane Mimicking the Dual-Function of Laminin Alpha 1 Chain LG4 Module
- Identification of Biological Active Sites in the Laminin α5 Chain LG4-5 Tandem
- Effect of Homologous Loop Regions in Human Laminin α Chain LG4 Domain on Cell Morphology and Proliferation
- Biological Activities of the Loop Structure Regions in the Laminin Alpha Chain G Domains
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- DNA-Chitosan Bilayer Membrane as a Bi-functional Biomedical Adhesive
- 細胞接着ペプチドを固定化したキトサン膜の生物活性
- Stimulation of Corneal Epithelial Migration by the PHSRN Peptide Derived from Fibronectin
- Effect of Mixed Peptide-chitosan Membrane on Cell Adhesion
- Cell Adhesive Peptide-Conjugated Chitosan Membrane : A New System for Cell Delivery
- Functional Sites in the Laminin Alpha Chains
- Analysis of Amyloid-like Fibril Forming Peptide A119 (LSNIDYILIKAS) and B160 (VILQQSAADIAR) Derived from Laminin-111 Sequence
- Development of Artificial Basement Membranes Using Peptide-polysaccharide Complexes
- Functional Peptide Fibrils as Bio-medical Materials
- Conformation Analysis of Loop Region Peptides in the Laminin Alpha Chain LG4 Modules by Molecular Dynamics Simulations
- Molecular Dissection of Laminin-111 Using Peptide-Chitosan Matrix to Construct Laminin Mimicked Biomaterials
- Screening of Biologically Active Sequences from the Laminin Gamma 1, 2, and 3 Chain Short Arm Regions
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