論文 | ランダム
- マグネシウム合金による超軽量新材料開発の現状
- 医療安全・海外の動向 JCAHO:2006年における患者安全のための14の目標(ゴール)
- Short-term transformation and long-term replacement of branchial chloride cells in killifish transferred from seawater to freshwater, revealed by morphofunctional observations and a newly established 'time-differential double fluorescent staining' techniq
- Vacuolar-type proton pump in the basolateral membrane energizes ion uptake in branchial mitochondria-rich cells of killifish Fundulus heteroclitus, adapted to a low ion environment
- 生長点培養由来の種ショウガの肥大率の経年変化