特異な臨床経過を辿っている侵襲性乳児線維腫症 Aggressive infantile fibromatosis の1女児例
論文 | ランダム
- Polysialic acid synthase(ST8SiaII/STX) mRNA expression in the developing mouse central nervous system.
- Human STX polysialyltransferase forms theembryonic form of the neural cell adhesion molecule: Tissue-specific expression, neurite outgrowth, and chromosomal localization in comparison with another polysialyltransferase, PST.
- 次世代の社会インフラを根底から変える 「STX-21」&「ス-パ-メタル」 (特集2 21世紀に向けてブレ-クスル-する鉄鋼材料)
- Biosynthesis and expression of polysialic acid on the neural cell adhesion molecule is predominantly directed by ST8Sia II/STX during in vitro neuronal differentiation
- Study of Atmospheric Water Vapor Using a Raman Lidar (レ-ザ-レ-ダ-特集号)