Progressive neuronal loss in the ventral posterior lateral and medial nuclei of thalamus in Niemann-Pick disease type C mouse brain
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2001-08-01
OHNO Kousaku
Department of Child Neurology, Institute of Neurological Sciences, Tottori University Faculty of Med
Department of Neurobiology, Tottori University Faculty of Medicine
Ninomiya Haruaki
鳥取大学 遺伝子再生医療学
Ninomiya H
Department Of Neurobiology Faculty Of Medicine Tottori University
Ninomiya Haruaki
Department Of Biological Regulation Tottori University Faculty Of Medicine
Ninomiya Haruaki
鳥取大学医学部附属脳幹性疾患研究施設 脳神経小児科部門
Higaki Katsumi
鳥取大学医学部附属脳幹性疾患研究施設 脳神経小児科
Higaki Katsumi
Department Of Neurobiology School Of Life Sciences Faculty Of Medicine Tottori University
Higaki Katsumi
Department Of Neurobiology School Of Life Sciences Tottori University Faculty Of Medicine
Ohno K
Division Of Child Neurology Institute Of Neurological Sciences Faculty Of Medicine Tottori Universit
Ohno Kousaku
鳥取大学医学部附属脳幹性疾患研究施設 脳神経小児科
Ohno K
Department Of Neurobiology School Of Life Sciences Faculty Of Medicine Tottori University
Department of Neurobiology,School of Life Sciences,Tottori University Faculty of Medicine
Ohno Kousaku
Department Of Child Neurology Institute Of Neurological Sciences Faculty Of Medicine Tottori Univers
Yamada Atsuko
Department Of Neurobiology School Of Life Sciences Tottori University Faculty Of Medicine
Yamada Atsuko
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science Gakushuin University
SAJI Makoto
Department of Neurobiology, School of Life Sciences, Tottori University Faculty of Medicine
Department of Neurobiology, School of Life Sciences, Tottori University Faculty of Medicine
Department of Neurobiology, School of Life Sciences, Tottori University Faculty of Medicine
Ninomiya Haruaki
Department Of Neurobiology Faculty Of Medicine Tottori University
Ukita Yoko
Department Of Neurobiology School Of Life Sciences Tottori University Faculty Of Medicine
Saji Makoto
Department Of Neurobiology School Of Life Sciences Faculty Of Medicine Tottori University
Saji Makoto
Department Of Neurobiology School Of Life Sciences Tottori University Faculty Of Medicine
Shinoda Yoko
Department Of Neurobiology School Of Life Sciences Tottori University Faculty Of Medicine
Saji Makoto
Department Of Neurobiology Faculty Of Medicine And Gene Research Center Tottori University
Ohno Kousaku
Department Of Neurobiology School Of Life Sciences Tottori University Faculty Of Medicine
Ono Kimiyo
Second Department Of Surgery Faculty Of Medicine Tottori University
Ohno Kousaku
Department Of Pediatric Neurology School Of Life Sciences Tottori University Faculty Of Medicine
Taniguchi Miyako
Department Of Biological Regulation School Of Health Sciences Faculty Of Medicine Tottori University
Ohno K
Taniguchi Miyako
Department Of Biological Regulation School Of Health Science Faculty Of Medicine Tottori University
Ninomiya Haruaki
Department Of Neurobiology School Of Life Sciences Faculty Of Medicine Tottori University
Ohno Kousaku
Division Of Child Neurology Institute Of Neurological Sciences Faculty Of Medicine Tottori Universit
Ninomiya Haruaki
Department Of Biological Regulation Faculty Of Medicine Tottori University
Ohno Kousaku
Division Of Child Neurology Department Of Brain And Neurosciences Faculty Of Medicine Tottori University
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