Geographic variation of Mus caroli from East and Southeast ASIA based on mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequences
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Mammalogical Society of Japanの論文
- 2003-06-01
JIN Mei-Lei
Shanghai Laboratory Animal Center, Academia Sinica
RIKEN BioResource Center
Department Zootechnical Science, Tokyo University of Agriculture
Tsuchiya Kimisachi
Department Of Agriculture Tokyo University Of Agriculture
Suzuki Hitoshi
Graduate School of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaido University
Moriwaki K
Riken Bioresource Center
Suzuki H
Yamanashi University
Jin Mei-lei
Shanghai Research Center Of Biotechnology Shanghai Institutes For Biological Sciences Chinese Academ
Graduate School of Environmental Earth science, Hokkaido University
SUYANT Agustinus
Reserch Centre for Biology, Indonesian Institute of sciences
Tsuchiya Kimiyuki
Department Of Agriculture Tokyo University Of Agriculture
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- 実験動物科学における野生マウスの利用 野生由来マウス系統を用いた行動遺伝学の新展開
- ゲノム時代の実験動物
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- ネズミを友に半世紀
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- Geographic variation of Mus caroli from East and Southeast ASIA based on mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequences
- Geographical distribution of the Hbb haplotypes in the Mas musculus subspecies in Eastern Asia
- ゲノムに映したネズミの歴史 : 分子生物学的アプローチによる小型哺乳類の生物地理・遺伝的分化に関する研究
- アズマモグラが秋に繁殖
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- Impairment of endothelium-dependent relaxation of aortas and pulmonary arteries from spontaneously hyperlipidemic mice (Apodemus sylvaticus)