Enhanced Expression of Type IV Collagen-binding Protein (p29) in Fyn-transfected Murine Fibrosarcoma Cells
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2002-10-30
Muramatsu Hirohito
札幌医科大学 4内
Muramatsu Hirohito
The Fourth Department Of Internal Medicine Sapporo Medical University School Of Medicine
Niitsu Y
Department Of Molecular Target Exploration Sapporo Medical University School Of Medicine
Niitsu Yoshiro
札幌医科大学 医学部臨床検査医学
Niitsu Yoshiro
札幌医科大学 医学部内科学第四講座
Department of Internal Medicine, Higashi Sapporo Hospital
KOGAWA Katsuhisa
Fourth Department of Internal Medicine, Sapporo Medical University
KOHDA Kyuhei
Japanese Red Cross Asahikawa Hospital
Kohda Kyuhei
The Department Of Internal Medicine
Sakamaki Sumio
Department Of Internal Medicine Higashi Sapporo Hospital
Sakamaki Sumio
Fourth Department Of Internal Medicine Sapporo Medical University School Of Medicine
KOIKE Kazuhiko
The Fourth Department of Internal Medicine, Sapporo Medical University School of Medicine
KOGAWA Katsuhisa
The Fourth Department of Internal Medicine, Sapporo Medical University School of Medicine
The Fourth Department of Internal Medicine, Sapporo Medical University School of Medicine
The Fourth Department of Internal Medicine, Sapporo Medical University School of Medicine
The Fourth Department of Internal Medicine, Sapporo Medical University School of Medicine
The Fourth Department of Internal Medicine, Sapporo Medical University School of Medicine
NIITSU Yoshiro
The Fourth Department of Internal Medicine, Sapporo Medical University School of Medicine
Kogawa Katsuhisa
Fourth Department Of Internal Medicine Sapporo Medical University
Takayama Tetsuji
Department Of Gastroenterology And Oncology Institute Of Health Biosciences The University Of Tokush
Niitsu Y
Fourth Department Of Internal Medicine Sapporo Medical University School Of Medicine
Takayama Tetsuji
Department Of Gastroenterology Institute Of Health Biosciences University Of Tokushima Graduate Scho
Yoshizaki Naohito
The Fourth Department Of Internal Medicine Sapporo Medical University School Of Medicine
Nakamura K
The Fourth Department Of Internal Medicine Sapporo Medical University School Of Medicine
NIITSU Yoshiro
the Fourth Department of Internal Medicine Sapporo Medical College
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