A girl with 1p36 deletion syndrome and congenital fiber type disproportion myopathy
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Springer-Verlag Tokyoの論文
- 2002-10-01
Department of Neuromuscular Research, National Institute of Neuroscience, National Center of Neurolo
Division of Medical Genetics, Kanagawa Children's Medical Center
OKAMOTO Nobuhiko
Department of Planning and Research, Osaka Medical Center and Research Institute for Maternal and Ch
Matsumoto Naomichi
Department of Human Genetics, Yokohama City University Graduate School of Medicine
Kyushu Medical Science Nagasaki Laboratory
Nakajima Tohru
Division Of Pediatric Cardiology Osaka Medical Center And Research Institute For Maternal And Child
Department of Developmental Medicine (Pediatrics), Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
TORIBE Yasuhisa
Division of Pediatric Neurology, Osaka Medical Center and Research Institute for Maternal and Child
Nonaka Ikuya
Department Of Child Neurology National Center Hospital For Mental Mervous And Muscular Disorders Ncn
Nonaka Ikuya
Department Of Ultrastructural Research National Institute Of Neuroscience National Center Of Neurolo
Kurosawa Kenji
Division Of Medical Genetics Kanagawa Children's Medical Center
Okamoto Nobuhiko
Department Of Planning And Research Osaka Medical Center And Research Institute For Maternal And Chi
Toribe Yasuhisa
Division Of Pediatric Neurology Osaka Medical Center And Research Institute For Maternal And Child H
Okinaga Takeshi
Department Of Developmental Medicine (pediatrics) Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Okinaga Takeshi
Department Of Pediatrics Osaka University School Of Medicine
Kurosawa Kenji
Division Of Medical Genetics Clinical Research Institute Kanagawa Children's Medical Center
Kurosawa Kenji
Division Of Genetics Clinical Research Institute Kanagawa Children's Medical Center
Matsumoto Naomichi
Department Of Cardiology Fukuoka University Hospital School Of Medicine
Nonaka Ikuya
Department Of Ultrastructural Research National Institute Of Neuroscience National Center Of Neurolo
Toribe Yasuhisa
Division Of Pediatric Neurology Osaka Medical Center And Research Institute For Maternal And Child H
Okamoto N
Osaka Medical Center And Res. Inst. Maternal And Child Health Osaka Jpn
Okamoto Nobuhiko
Department Of Planning And Research Osaka Medical Center And Research Institute For Maternal And Chi
Tominaga Norio
Division Of Pediatric Cardiology Osaka Medical Center And Research Institute For Maternal And Child Health
Okamoto Nobuhiko
Department Of Molecular Cytogenetics Medical Research Institute And School Of Biomedical Science Tokyo Medical And Dental University
Kyushu Medical Science Inc.
OKAMOTO Nobuhiko
Department of Medical Genetics, Osaka Medical Center and Research Institute for Maternal and Child Health
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