Additional Inhibitory Effect of Tea of Tea Extract on the Growth of Influenza A and B Viruses in MDCK Cells
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Center for Academic Pub. Japanの論文
- 2002-07-20
Terasawa Katsutoshi
群馬大学 医学部医学科統合和漢診療学講座
Terasawa K
Dept. Of Japanese Oriental Medicine Graduate School Of Medicine Chiba University
OCHIAI Hiroshi
Human Science, Faculty of Medicine, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University
Department of Integrated Japanese Oriental Medicine, Faculty of Medicine
Kita T
Department Of Integrated Japanese Oriental Medicine School Of Medicine Gunma University
Ochiai H
Department Of Human Science Faculty Of Medicine Toyama Medical And Pharmaceutical University.
Mantani N
Department Of Integrated Japanese Oriental Medicine Faculty Of Medicine Gunma University
Mantani Naoki
Departments Of Oriental Medicine Faculty Of Medicine Toyama Medical And Pharmaceutical University
Mantani Naoki
Department Of General Medicine Gunma University School Of Medicine
Department of Japanese Oriental Medicine, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University
Department of Human Science, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University
TUJI Yumiko
Division of Nursing, Kyoto University Hospital
Human Science, Faculty of Medicine, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University
Human Science, Faculty of Medicine, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University
Human Science, Faculty of Medicine, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University
TERASAWA Katutoshi
Departments of Oriental Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University
Katada Yuko
Human Science Faculty Of Medicine Toyama Medical And Pharmaceutical University
Tuji Yumiko
Division Of Nursing Kyoto University Hospital
Konosu Satoko
Human Science Faculty Of Medicine Toyama Medical And Pharmaceutical University
Kita T
Toyama Medical And Pharmaceutical Univ. Toyama Jpn
Maruhashi Miyuki
Human Science Faculty Of Medicine Toyama Medical And Pharmaceutical University
Imanishi Nobuko
Department Of Human Sience Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Toyama Medical
- 157 脳脊髄液減少症に五苓散が有効であった症例(漢方処方・湯液7,一般演題,伝統医学のあるべきかたちとは-世界の潮流と日本の役割-,第59回日本東洋医学会学術総会)
- 切迫流早産に補中益気湯が有効であった1例
- 和漢薬治療が奏効した Wells' 症候群の一症例
- 浮脈を呈する症例に対する苓甘姜味辛夏仁湯治験
- 神経因性膀胱に対し半夏白朮天麻湯が著効した1症例
- 煎じ薬の調剤の現状と問題点 : 保険調剤薬局に対するアンケート調査による検討
- 五苓散が奏効した帯状疱疹後神経痛の一例
- 疼痛管理が困難であった発作性・反復性下腹部痛に対し柴胡桂枝湯が奏功した2症例
- 清熱補気湯と白虎加桂枝湯の併用が奏効した結節性紅斑の一症例
- 奔豚と思われた諸症状に呉茱萸湯エキスと苓桂朮甘湯エキスの併用が奏効した6症例
- 帰耆建中湯加味を関節リウマチに応用する試み
- 静脈認証システムエラーに当帰四逆加呉茱萸生姜湯が有効であった一例
- 長年持続していた下痢に対して甘草瀉心湯が奏功した2症例
- 滋陰至宝湯治験
- 桂枝加苓朮附湯の関節外症状への応用
- 開腹術後愁訴に対し香蘇散料が有効であった2症例
- 気うつを伴った凍瘡に対する茯苓飲合半夏厚朴湯および半夏厚朴湯の応用
- 桂枝茯苓丸加〓苡仁治験
- 夏バテに対する漢方方剤の使用目標に関する一考察
- 腎癌術後の腹部症状に漢方治療が奏効した一例
- 閉塞性動脈硬化症による間欠性跛行と下肢潰瘍に自家製桂枝茯苓丸と大柴胡湯が著効した一例
- 肘後方奔豚湯加味方が突発性難聴に伴うめまいに著効した1例
- シンポジウムの背景および目的
- 呉茱萸湯著効例の呈した症候に基づいた使用目標の検討
- 222 奔豚と思われた諸症状に呉茱萸湯エキス・苓桂朮甘湯エキスの併用が奏効した3症例(伝統医学的治療,一般演題,伝統医学のあるべきかたちとは-世界の潮流と日本の役割-,第59回日本東洋医学会学術総会)
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- 無症候性脳梗塞に対する桂枝茯苓丸の3年間投与後の効果
- 漢方治療が奏効したガングリオンの一例
- 27-326 漢方外来における心身医学的難治症例の治療検討(相補・代替医療1,一般演題(ポスター発表),近未来医療を担う心身医学,第1回日本心身医学5学会合同集会)
- 入院での漢方薬処方取り扱いの問題点 : 薬剤師及び病棟看護師に対するアンケート調査からの検討
- 206 高血圧症患者における和漢薬治療の精神症状と血圧変動に及ぼす影響(循環器疾患,一般演題,伝統医学のあるべきかたちとは-世界の潮流と日本の役割-,第59回日本東洋医学会学術総会)
- 『傷寒論』における腹診とその臨床的発展
- 線維筋痛症に対し白虎湯加味方が著効した症例
- 帰耆建中湯加烏頭が有効であった術後腰部脊柱管狭窄症の1例
- 茯苓飲合半夏厚朴湯治験
- 補気剤の投与により起立性調節障害及び不登校が改善した一例
- 清湿化痰湯治験
- メシル酸イマチニブの副作用である下痢に半夏瀉心湯が有効であった一例
- 紹介状なしで大学病院を受診する患者の希望と現状
- 越婢加朮湯が奏効した乾性咳嗽を伴う漿液性膝関節炎の一例
- 西洋医学的治療では難治性であった便通異常に延年半夏湯が奏効した1例
- 235 西洋医学的治療によりコントロール困難であった関節リウマチに対し和漢薬治療が著効した1症例(膠原病及び類縁疾患1,一般演題,伝統医学のあるべきかたちとは-世界の潮流と日本の役割-,第59回日本東洋医学会学術総会)
- 甘連石膏湯が奏効した体感異常の一例
- 七物降下湯治験
- 当帰湯エキス製剤で管理し得た西洋薬が使用困難だった微小血管狭心症の1例
- 竜骨湯治験
- 早期退院に対する漢方治療の寄与 : 外科治療後の合併症のため退院が遷延した症例に漢方薬が奏功した3例
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- 原因不明の反復性嘔吐に対し五苓散が奏効した一症例
- 加味逍遥散加地骨皮荊芥が奏効した難治性皮膚疾患の2症例
- Psychosocial stress enhances IgE-mediated triphasic cutaneous reaction in mice : Antagonism by youkkan-san (a Kampo medicine) and diazepam.
- A Kampo formulation : Byakko-ka ninjin-to (Bai-Hu-Jia-Ren-Sheng-Tang) inhibits IgE-mediated triphasic skin reaction in mice : The role of its constituents in expression of the efficacy.
- Immunopharmacological properties of Oren-gedoku-to (a Kampo medicine, Huang-Lian-Jie-Du-Tang) on contact hypersensitivity reaction in mice
- Psychosocial stress enhances IgE-mediated triphasic cutaneous reaction in mice : Antagonism by Yokukan-san (a Kampo medicine) and diazepam
- Effect of Some Kampo Medicines, Including Tokaku-joki-to(Tao-He-Cheng-Qi-Tang), on IgE-mediated Triphasic Skin Reaction in Passively Sensitized Mice.
- Different Effect of Antiallergic Drugs on IgE-mediated Cutaneous Reaction in Passively Sensitized Mice.
- A Kampo Formulation : Byakko-ka-ninjin-to(Bai-Hu-Jia-Ren-Sheng-Tang)Inhibits IgE-Mediated Triphasic Skin Reaction in Mice : The Role of Its Constituents in Expression of the Efficacy
- Effects of Shimotsu-to(a Kampo medicine, Si-Wu-Tang)and its constituents on triphasic skin reaction in passively sensitized mice.
- A Third-phase Cutaneous(Very Late Phase)Response after Elicitation with Dinitrofluorobenzene in Passively or Actively Sensitized Mice.
- Inhibitory Effects of Triterpenes Isolated from Chuling (Polyporus umbellatus FRIES) on Free Radical-Induced Lysis of Red Blood Cells(Pharmacology)
- Correlation between "oketsu" syndrome and autonomic nervous activity : a diachronic study on the same subjects
- Effect of Keishi-bukuryo-gan on asymptomatic cerebral infarction for short term
- 慢性連日性頭痛に五苓散が有効であった1症例
- 釣藤散--慢性頭痛 (特集 日常診療に役立つくすりの選び方・使い方) -- (漢方薬のエビデンス)
- 236 ベーチェット病疑い例の再発性難治性口腔内アフタに、桂枝五物湯加石膏が有効であった一例(膠原病及び類縁疾患1,一般演題,伝統医学のあるべきかたちとは-世界の潮流と日本の役割-,第59回日本東洋医学会学術総会)
- The Population of CD40L-expressing Cells was Slightly but not Significant Decreased in Lymphoid Tissues of Collagen Induced Arthritic Mice Treated with Hochu-Ekki-To
- Inhibitory Effects of Stephania tetrandra S. MOORE on Free Radical-Induced Lysis of Rat Red Blood Cells(Pharmacognosy)
- Clinical Assessment of Usefulness, Effectiveness and Safety of Keishi-bukuryo-gan on Various Neuropathies : A Case Series
- Oren-gedoku-to and Keishi-bukuryo-gan-ryo Inhibit the Progression of Atherosclerosis in Diet-Induced Hypercholesterolemic Rabbits(Pharmacognosy)
- Assessment of effects of traditional herbal medicines on elderly patients with weakness using a self-controlled trial
- Can Kampo Medicines Eradicate Helicobacter Pylori in Clinical Situation ?
- Effects of Curcuma Drugs on Vasomotion in Isolated Rat Aorta(Pharmacognosy)
- Possible Relationship between Livid Telangiectasis on the Colon Mucosa and Abdominal Kampo Diagnosis
- Four cases of panic disorder successfully treated with Kampo (Japanese herbal) medicines : Kami-shoyo-san and Hange-koboku-to
- Amelioration of kidney damage in spontaneously diabetic WBN/Kob rats after treatment with Keishi-bukuryo-gan
- Evaluation of Keishi-bukuryo-gan in a diabetic nephropathy model by comparison with aminoguanidine, butylated hydroxytoluene and captopril
- A study of Kampo medicines in a diabetic nephropathy model
- 総合医に必要な漢方の基本概念 (総合医に必要な漢方の知識--common diseaseに対する漢方治療) -- (総合医に必要な漢方の基本知識)
- P-250 小児縦隔リンパ管腫に漢方治療が奏効した1例(ポスター 嚢胞性疾患,Science and Art for Sick Children,第46回日本小児外科学会学術集会)
- A report of three cases of diabetic nephropathy satisfactorily treated with traditional herbal medicine
- A third-phase cutaneous (very late phase) response after elicitation with dinitrofluorobenzene in passively or actively sensitized mice
- Effect of d-Pseudoephedrine on Cough Reflex and Its Mode of Action in Guinea Pigs
- A case of rheumatoid arthritis complicated by bucillamine-induced nephropathy satisfactorily treated with Kampo medicines
- Efficacy of Nyoshinsan/TJ-67, a traditional herbal medicine, for menopausal symptoms following surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy for premenopausal breast cancer
- Beneficial effect of complementary alternative medicine on lymphedema with rheumatoid arthritis
- Effects of Eppikahangeto, a Kampo Formula, and Ephedrae herba Against Citric Acid-Induced Laryngeal Cough in Guinea Pigs
- Induction of Inducible Nitric Oxide (NO) Synthase mRNA and NO Production in Macrophages Infected with Influenza A/PR/8 Virus and Stimulated with Its Ether-Split Product
- A case-control study of purple urine bag syndrome in geriatric wards
- Additional Inhibitory Effect of Tea of Tea Extract on the Growth of Influenza A and B Viruses in MDCK Cells
- A case of pustulotic arthro-osteitis successfully treated with Kampo medicines
- Electrogastrographic power ratio in humans is not related to changes in antrum-skin distance but to antral motility
- Effect of Kampo treatment on chronic viral hepatitis on the basis of traditional diagnosis
- 千葉大学における漢方教育 (特集 大学での漢方教育)
- 診断方法および随証治療 (特集 漢方診療のイロハ) -- (ファーストステップ)
- Protective effect of the hooks and stems of Uncaria sinensis against nitric oxide donor-induced neuronal death in cultured cerebellar granule cells
- The examination of endoscopic findings in 221 cases of rheumatoid arthritis treated with Japanese Oriental (Kampo) medicine
- Effects of Keishi-bukuryo-gan (Gui-Zhi-Fu-Ling-Wan) on endothelial function in spontaneously hypertensive rats
- Inhibitory effects of Cinnamomi Cortex and cinnamaldehyde on oxygen-derived free radical-induced vasocontraction in isolated aorta of spontaneously hypertensive rats
- Effect of Keishi-bukuryo-gan on autonomic nervous activity