Cercariometry for detection of transmission sites for schistosomiasis
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2003-12-01
青木 克己
木村 英作
Aoki Yoshiki
Department of Parasitology, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki University
青木 克己
長崎大学熱帯医学研究所 寄生行動制御部門
Kimura Eisaku
Department of Parasitology, Aichi Medical University
Muhoho N.
Center for Microbiology Research, Kenya Medical Research Institute
SATO Katsuyuki
Minamata Public Health Center, Kumamoto Prefecture
NODA Shin-ichi
Research Center for the Pacific Island, Kagoshima University
Noda Shin-ichi
Research Center For The Pacific Island Kagoshima University
Sato Katsuyuki
Minamata Public Health Center Kumamoto Prefecture
Muhoho N
Center For Microbiology Research Kenya Medical Research Institute
Muhoho N.
Center For Microbiology Research Kenya Medical Research Institute
Aoki Yoshiki
Department Of Parasitology Institute For Tropical Medicine Nagasaki University
Kimura Eisaku
Department Of Parasitology Aichi Medical University
AOKI Yoshiki
Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Gifu University
- In vitro effect of current antimalarial drugs on the survival of paired Schistosoma mansoni adult worms and their egg production.
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- Cercariometry for detection of transmission sites for schistosomiasis
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- Differential effects of diethylcarbamazine, tetracycline and the combination on Brugia pahangi adult females in vitro
- Chiasma analyses of the parasite flukes, Schistosoma and Paragonimus(Trematoda), by using the chiasma distribution graph
- In vitro effect of current antimalarial drugs on the survival of paired Schistosoma mansoni adult worms and their egg production
- 6章 蠕虫疾患 : 住血吸虫症,糸状虫症,肝吸虫症(II部 アジア医療事情 : 東南アジアを中心に)
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- 知っておきたい熱帯病の知識-1-寄生虫感染症
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