獣医統合医療講座 特別セミナー 伊吹山薬草研修会を終えて 岐阜薬科大学名誉教授 飯沼宗和先生ご講演要旨 伝承薬物とファイトケミカル : 植物の持てる潜在力を引き出すために
日本伝統獣医学会 | 論文
- 一般講演 小動物におけるオゾン療法 (第42回日本伝統獣医学会抄録 獣医療発展のための伝統獣医学)
- Poster: Effect of gingseng and its main active ingredients on the amplitude of microvascular vasomotion in the skin at acupoints (Proceedings: The Third Academic Conference of Asian Society of Traditional Veterinary Medicine: The 46th Scientific Conferenc
- Poster: Effects of NO on the gene expression of rat microvascular endothelial cells using an affymetrix rat genome array (Proceedings: The Third Academic Conference of Asian Society of Traditional Veterinary Medicine: The 46th Scientific Conference of Jap
- 人参養栄湯によるFcRγ/Fynシグナル伝達系を介した脱髄の回復
- Poster: A study on therapeutic efficacy of sows chronic endometritis with traditional Chinese medicine Zhu Yun San (Proceedings: The Third Academic Conference of Asian Society of Traditional Veterinary Medicine: The 46th Scientific Conference of Japanese