上野 真義
Ueno Saneyoshi
Tree Genetics Laboratory Department Of Forest Genetics Forestry And Forest Products Research Institu
Ueno Saneyoshi
Genome Analysis Laboratory Department Of Forest Genetics Forestry And Forest Products Research Insti
- 絶滅危惧植物サクラソウ(Primula sieboldii)におけるマイクロサテライトマーカーの開発
- Microsatellite markers derived from Quercus mongolica var. crispula (Fagaceae) inner bark expressed sequence tags
- Population and genetic status of Primula kisoana var. kisoana, a local endemic of the northern Kanto region, Japan
- Dispersal of Camellia japonica seeds by Apodemus speciosus revealed by maternity analysis of plants and behavioral observation of animal vectors
- Molecular database for classifying Shorea species (Dipterocarpaceae) and techniques for checking the legitimacy of timber and wood products
- Generation of expressed sequence tags, development of microsatellite and single nucleotide polymorphism markers in Primula sieboldii E. Morren (Primulaceae) for analysis of genetic diversity in natural and horticultural populations
- Generation of expressed sequence tags, development of microsatellite and single nucleotide polymorphism markers in Primula sieboldii E. Morren (Primulaceae) for analysis of genetic diversity in natural and horticultural populations
- オークのESTリソースとその利用