症例報告 膀胱が嵌入した両側閉鎖孔ヘルニアの一例
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An 80-year-old woman visited our hospital with chief complaints of nausea, vomiting, andanorexia. She was diagnosed with bilateral obturator hernia involving the urinary bladder by anabdominal CT scan and retrograde cystography. The symptoms resolved with cessation of anticholinergicdrugs that she was being given for the treatment of nocturia, and administration oflaxative drugs. The bladder as hernia content was considered to have repeated invagination intoan obturator foramen and natural reduction. Because intestinal obstruction and peritonitis due tointestinal invagination were likely to occur, the necessity of an operation was explained to thepatient, but her consent to the operation could not be obtained, which led to a follow-up of the symptom.This was the second case report of bilateral obturator hernia of the bladder as hernia content inJapan, and was the first case report of synchronous bilateral obturator hernia in the country.
- 2012-04-25
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