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【研究目的】本研究では、社会への参加を社会システムからの参加と個別のつながりからの参加に区別し、要介護高齢者の社会への参加ニーズとその特性を導くことを目的とする。【研究方法】研究参加者はひとり暮らし要介護高齢者31名であった。データの収集は、半構造化した面接調査を実施、調査項目は(1)基本情報、(2)社会への参加ニーズについて、(3)過去から現在までの社会への参加状況、(4)介護状況であった。データの分析は、逐語録から作成した個票に基づいて、回答内容を原文で抜き出しキーセンテンス化、キーセンテンスの類似を集めサブカテゴリー化した。これらサブカテゴリーについて、調査項目ごとの分析と、ニーズの特性を検討するために事例ごとの分析を行った。倫理的配慮は、沖縄県立看護大学研究倫理審査委員会で承認を得た。【結果および考察】要介護高齢者の主観的な社会への参加ニーズは、『社会システムからの参加ニーズ』と『個別のつながりからの参加ニーズ』があった。要介護高齢者の社会への参加ニーズの特性として、過去から現在の社会への参加状況の影響が語られており、2種類のニーズが互いに関連した個別的で多様なニーズであることが示唆された。社会への参加ニーズの組み合わせは、『双方群』、『社会システムのみ群』、『個別のつながりのみ群』、『社会への参加ニーズなし群』の4タイプがあった。社会への参加ニーズについての質問には、半数以上の高齢者が「歳なのでやりたいことは何もない」と回答し、面接の経過で参加ニーズが挙がってきたという特徴があったことから、要介護状態での社会への参加ニーズは表出されにくいニーズと考えられた。要介護高齢者の社会への参加を促進する看護職の役割として、過去の社会への参加状況から把握するアセスメント力をつけ、主観的な参加ニーズを捉え、個別的な支援を検討する必要性が示唆された。[Research Objective] This study aims to classify social participation into 2 categories-participation through a social system and participation through personal connections-and to deduce needs for social participation among the elderly requiring care as well as characteristics of the needs. [Research Methods] Research Methods are 31 elders requiring care who live alone. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews which contain inquiring items about (1) basic information, (2) needs for social participation, (3) hitherto living conditions, and (4) caring situation. The data analysis is based on individual data that were made out of verbatim data from the interviews; and sub-categorized key sentences. Based on the sub-categories, we analyzed each inquiring item to acquire a broad picture of the research outcome. Additionally, we analyzed each case to examine characteristics of the needs. The Research Ethic Board of Okinawa Prefectural College of Nursing has approved this research. [Results and Discussion] The needs for social participation among the elderly requiring care were to be divided into "needs for social participation through a social system" and "needs for social participation through personal connections." As characteristics of participation needs among the elderly requiring care, the interviews talked about their social participations from the past to the present, so that it was suggested that, the needs are diversified as a result of interaction between the 2 kinds of needs. There are 4 characteristics and types of the needs for social participation; 4 combinations are groups that have "the needs both through a social system and personal connections," "the needs through a social system," "the needs through personal connections" and "no needs." For questions about needs for social participation, more than a half of the interviewees responded that "I have nothing I want to do since I am too old." However, the needs were found in the process of the interviews. Such responses also come from "a group of those who do not have needs for social participation," so that we can assume that the needs for social participation among those requiring care are ones that are not well expressed. As for the nursing roles, it is suggested that nurses need to acquire assessment ability to grasp participation needs from elders' past conditions of social participation, grasp subjective participation needs, and consider individual support in order to provide support for social participation among the elderly requiring care.
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- 施設ケア提供者の伝統行事への認識と高齢者ケアの実際 沖縄県宮古島の一介護老人福祉施設の事例
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- 要介護高齢者の社会への参加ニーズとその特性