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Abstract: In Okinawa northern island 3 areas, the existence of the chirping of an Okinawa rail was investigated for 24 consecutive hours once per 1 area in order to presume the activity and number of habitations of an Okinawa rail simply. The chirping (kek song) of the Okinawa rail was checked in B and C area. But the chirping (kek Song) of the Okinawa rail was not able to be checked in A area. In the area where the chirping was checked (B and C area), the chirping was observed 2 times, early morning and night. In the A area, a chirping was not able to be observed in which time zone. From this, in the A area, it was thought that there was no (or very few) activity of an Okinawa rail. In the future, it is necessary to increase the number of times of investigation, and an investigation item (kind of chirping), and to raise the accuracy of population estimation.ヤンバルクイナの生息数や活動について簡易に推定する目的で,沖縄島北部3地域において,ヤンバルクイナの鳴き声の有無を1地域1回24時間連続で調査した。A地域以外のBおよびC地域においてはヤンバルクイナの鳴き声(kekソング)が確認された。また,鳴き声が確認された地域においては,早朝と夜間の2回にわたって鳴き声を観察した。A地域においては,いずれの時間帯においても鳴き声を観察できなかったことから,調査地付近での活動はなかったものと推察された。今後,調査回数および調査項目(鳴き声の種類)を増やし,個体数や活動の推定精度を上げる必要があろう。
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