PAC分析と質問紙調査併用によるビリーフ研究 : あるタイ人日本語教師の事例より
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Japanese-language education overseas today is carried out mainly by non-native Japanese-language teachers (NNTs), cooperating with native Japanese-language teachers (NTs). For achieving effective collaboration between NNTs and NTs, a mutual understanding of each other’s beliefs is strongly necessary. The researchers have conducted a series of surveys that attempt to assess NNTs’ beliefs in three countries (Thailand, Korea, and China) by qualitative, as well as quantitative analysis. This study is a part of these surveys, targeting NNTs at a university in Thailand. The previous studies on NNTs’ beliefs applied only a single methodology such as quantitative analysis of questionnaires or qualitative analysis of interviews, and could not discuss teachers' beliefs multilaterally to observe what influenced them or if they have any inconsistency or contradiction. Given this fact, this study focuses on a Thai NNT, who is a participant of Tsubone et al.(2010), and qualitatively analyzes the data of questionnaires and PAC-analysis reciprocally. As a result, this study shows the teacher’s beliefs and intention, which cannot be read out or determined only by questionnaires or PAC-analysis. It also clarifies the teacher's consciousness behind beliefs and inconsistency or contradiction in the teacher’s mind. Finally, this paper indicates that an effective way of analysis is to utilize questionnaires and interviews reciprocally, in order to explore more details of NNTs’ beliefs. Furthermore, in order to comprehend one's beliefs, it suggests the importance in understanding consciousness and the background leading to it.
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