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現地流域より採取した大型不攪乱供試体を用いた室内人工降雨実験(地下水上昇実験)を行い,土層の飽和度(Sr)と地下水深(H)との関係について考察した。さらに,将来的には「斜面安定解析モデル」と組み合わせることにより計算時間の短縮を目的とした「崩壊発生危険度予測モデル」の構築を前提とした「H~Sr関係推定式」を提示し,同推定式の現地流域への適用の可能性について検討を加えた。その結果,同推定式の再現性は良好であり,実用化は十分可能であることが確認された。降雨強度や土層厚があらかじめ与えられれば,本研究で得られた「H~Sr関係推定式」を用いて土層内部で生じる地下水深の挙動を追跡することが可能となる。本研究で提示した「H~Sr関係推定式」では,従来の手法と比ロ゚して格段に計算所要時間が短縮されることになるため,将来的には,迅速かつ正確に崩壊の予知・予測が可能となる「土砂災害警戒・避難システム」を構築する上での一助となることが確信された。Hillside landslides are triggered by infiltration of the storm water into the surface soil layer. It is necessary for disaster prevention, to evaluate suitably the storm water hydrologic process on a hillslope and predict the occurrence of slope failure. Recently, numerical simulation model composed with saturated- unsaturated infiltration analysis and slope stability analysis, is used frequently to predict slope failure. However, much time become necessary in order to calculate unsaturated infiltration process of storm water, and setting input data to these models need much labor. In order to understand the process of rainfall infiltration, ascent of the ground-water level and changes of mean saturation ratio on the soil layer, in this study the vertical infiltration experiments were executed using the large scale undisturbed soil sample collected in the study basin where is located in the western site of KOCHI Prefecture. The relationship between the ground-water level and the mean saturation ratio on the soil layer was grasped based on results of these experiments. This relation can be expressed by the following equations; H/D =Lr・(Sr - Scr); Sr =0.001・R+0.7689; Lr =0.0236・R+4.2705 ;D≦30cm; Lr1 =0.0554・R+5.7824 ;D>30cm, 0.0≦H/D≦0.4; Lr2 =0.0239 ・R+3.2633 ;D>30cm, 0.4<H/D≦1.0 Where H and D is the ground-water level and the depth of soil layer. Sr and Scr is the saturation ratio on the soil layer and the critical saturation ratio for ground-water level occurrence, respectively. R is the rainfall intensity. Lr is the inclination of H/D-Sr curve. The effectiveness of these equations (H-Sr model) was confirmed by applying these to reappearance calculation of the vertical infiltration experiments and slope stability analysis.
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