Y市子育て支援企業認証条例 (平成23年度行政課題研究会報告 子育て支援を考える : 政策法務の視点から)
論文 | ランダム
- Experimental Evaluation of Decision Criteria for WLAN Handover : Signal Strength and Frame Retransmission(Network)
- PA1-8 Development of Thermal Physiological and Psychological Prediction Computer Program for Cold Work(Proceedings of The 8th International Congress of Physiological Anthropology)
- 労基法改悪--8時間労働制の解体は保育の解体(労働行政の焦点)
- Redescription of a Poorly Known Stingray, Dasyatis laevigata (Chondrichthyes: Dasyatidae), with Notes on Some Biological Aspects in Ariake Sea, Japan
- 検査と疾患--その動きと考え方-177-網膜症 (眼と耳)