右傾化するイスラエル社会 : 背景にある脅威認識や安全保障観の変化 (奈良本英佑教授 退職記念号) -- (特集 袋小路のパレスチナ紛争 : 現状と史的背景)
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Recently the lean toward the political right has accelerated in Israel. Right-wing parties have tried to introduce legal measures, such as to restrict foreign funding for human rights NGOs, to allow strong legal action to be taken against any boycott activity targeting cultural, conomic, or academic connections with individuals and organizations under Israeli control. These legal measures have been strongly criticized for undermining human rights and for erasing the basis of democracy. However, the majority of Jews in Israel support them. This further shift to the political right and the rise of ethno-nationalism can be attributed to a prevailing sentiment in Israeli society of being “under attack”. This is deeply connected to the collapse of the peace process and the perception of new threats. Many Israeli Jews regard criticisms against Israel as part of an international de-legitimization campaign. The “tag mehir (price tag)” attacks and vandalism constitute the tip of an iceberg which reaches much deeper into Israeli society.
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