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今回,地域住民を対象にIPAGによるCOPD質問票がCOPDの早期発見に役立つかを検討する目的で,喫煙の有無および年代別で検討した.その結果,COPD有病率は4.9%でNICE studyよりも低かったが,喫煙率は63.5%と高く,喫煙指数が増加するほどCOPD有病率は有意に増加した.喫煙の有無及び年代別による各質問項目の検討では,BMI,喀痰,喘鳴の症状,アレルギーの項目で有意差が認められたが,咳の項目では認められなかった.また,COPD質問票の総得点とCOPDの有無では有意な相関が見られた.COPD質問票はCOPDの早期発見の観点から,喀痰,喘鳴の症状,アレルギーの項目において質問の有用性が認められたが咳,朝の喀痰の項目は適当でない可能性が考えられた.We examined this time efficacy of the COPD questionnaire of IPAG in early detection of COPD in community-dwelling people by smoking habit and age. As a result, the COPD prevalence was 4.9% which was lower than that in the NICE study, whereas the smoking rate was as high as 65.3%. The COPD prevalence increased in proportion to the smoking index. When the questionnaire items were compared between smoker and non-smokers or between different age groups, there were significant differences in the items of BMI, sputum, wheezing, and allergy but not in the item of cough. Meanwhile, the total scores of the COPD questionnaire were significantly correlated with the presence or absence of COPD. In view of early detection of COPD using the COPD questionnaire, the items of cough and morning sputum might thus be inappropriate whereas those of sputum, wheezing, and allergy were proved to be efficacious.
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