2003,2005~2009年,練習船おしょろ丸からの目視調査によるシヤチ(Orciniis orca)の写真識別カタログ
- 論文の詳細を見る
Killer whales Orcinus orca are cosmopolitan in distribution, but study sites are restricted to small geographic areas, primarily shore-based and boat-based studies focusing on nearshore areas. To contribute understanding about the biology of killerwhales in pelagic areas, we created photographic identification catalogue of killer whales sighted during T/S Oshoro-maru cruise to the northern North Pacific, Bering Sea and Chukchi Sea in 2003, 2005-2009. For 6 years, 37 groups were found, containing 182 whales, and 29 individuals were identified from left side photos of dorsal fin. No individual was re-sighted within-year, nor between-year. And no matches were found between killer whales observed in Alaska, Russian far east seas, Kushiro and Shiretoko, Japan. Our result can serve as background information for the future study of pelagic killer whales.
三谷 曜子
三谷 曜子
テキサスa&m大学 Jsps
Mitani Yoko
Division Of Applied Biosciences Graduate School Of Agriculture Kyoto University
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