症例報告 臨床的に肺原発と考えられた悪性黒色腫の1手術例
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A 78‐year‐old man who had an abnormal shadow on chest radiograph had detected by massscreening was admitted to our hospital. Chest CT scan revealed a pulmonary nodule in left S3,and transbronchial lung biopsy(TBLB)was performed. The pathological diagnosis was malignantmelanoma. A histopathological examination of the biopsy specimen showed tumor cells which werepositive for HMB-45and S-100. A systemic examination was done, but there were no lesions exceptfor the lung. Therefore, we diagnosed this case as primary malignant melanoma of the lung, andleft upper lobectomy was carried out. Although the patient underwent chemotherapy with DTICafter the operation, the patient died of disease25months after the operation. Malignant melanoma ofthe lung is extremely rare only21cases have been reported in japan.
- 徳島医学会の論文
- 2011-12-20
徳島医学会 | 論文
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