愛知大学国際コミュニケーション学会 | 論文
- 唐代の茶書三種(輯逸)について
- A Historical Perspective on Japanese Language Policy--Towards the Ainu Minority Language and its Relationshipto Policies of Colonial Expansion and the Concept of Ethno-linguistic "Purity"
- 講演記録 MIND THE GAP!--On the Nature of 'Rabbit Holes' or Communication Gaps Experienced by a Westerner on First Arriving in Japan
- A Study of the Relevance of Linguistic Relativity Theory as an Effective Tool for Engineering Feminist Social Change in Japan. Differences in Oriental/Occidental Attitudes towards Achieving such a Change and Factors that might Influence its Successful Ach
- 〈文化〉としての国際秩序認識とその学知の系譜学:最近の「帝国」論をめぐって (特集:今問われる「国際」--現代国際政治理論研究会記録)