篠原 明男
Department Of Bio-resources Division Of Biotechnology Frontier Science Research Center University Of
篠原 明男
- コウベモグラMogera wogura(Temminck,1842)の食餌構成と食物選択性の季節変化
- 独立種としてのマレーシアモグラEuroscaptor malayanaの再記載(西太平洋地域の生物多様性インベントリー 第2期:インドネシア及びマレーシア)
- OR-06 台湾産モグラの地理的変異と種分類(口頭発表,日本動物分類学会第40回大会講演抄録)
- モグラ科の系統進化研究とこれからの"モグラ学"
- Karyological study of the Malaysian mole, Euroscaptor micrura malayana (Insectivora, Talpidae) from Cameron Highlands, Peninsular Malaysia
- Phylogenetic position of the Malaysian mole, Euroscaptor micrura (Mammalia : Eulipotyphla), inferred from three gene sequences
- The mole of Peninsular Malaysia : notes on its identification and ecology
- Phylogenetic relationships of the short-faced mole, Scaptochirus moschatus (Mammalia : Eulipotyphla), among Eurasian fossorial moles, as inferred from mitochondrial and nuclear gene sequences
- An evolutionary view on the Japanese talpids based on nucleotide sequences
- Evolution and biogeography of talpid moles from continental East Asia and the Japanese islands inferred from mitochondrial and nuclear gene sequences.