Effect of calcium ion on the thermal denaturation of subfragment-1 and rod regions of squid myosin upon the heating of myofibrils
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Thermal inactivation of Ca^[2+]-ATPase of squid myofibrils was significantly suppressed in the presence of Ca^[2+]. Monomeric myosin content decreased much faster than Ca^[2+]-ATPase inactivation in Ca-medium, which was well explained by the fast rod denaturation. In contrast, rod denaturation was slower than S-1 in EDTA medium. Decrease in monomeric myosin content was explained by faster S-1 denaturation. Comparing the S-1 and rod denaturation rates at a fixed temperature, it was concluded that S-1 denaturation was suppressed by Ca^[2+] whereas the rod portion was not. Unfolding experiment with isolated myosin rod confirmed no stabilizing effect of Ca2+ on rod. It was concluded that significant stabilization of S-1 portion by Ca2+ generated apparently different myosin denaturation pattern in two media.スルメイカ筋原線維のATPase失活はCa2+存在下で著しく抑制された。Ca2+存在下でのATPase失活より速い単量体ミオシンの減少は、速いロッドの変性で説明できた。一方、EDTA中では、単量体ミオシンの減少はRod変性より速いS-1の変性に対応した。同一温度でのS-1、Rod変性速度の比較から、Ca2+による安定化はS-1に限定されると推定した。これはRodの加熱に伴うへリックス崩壊にCa2+は影響を与えないことから確認した。それゆえ、イカミオシンの変性様式はCa2+によるS-1の大きな安定化により発現したと結論した。
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