- 論文の詳細を見る
Recently we tried to enhance the usage of rice flour made in Fukui Prefecture and solve processing problems. We investigated the processing conditions of rice flour bread with the addition of gluten by using two different kinds of rice flours.The fermentation time for making rice flour bread changed from 20 minutes and plateaued at 40 minutes. The best amount of additional gluten was 20% of the rice flour amount. The suitable temperature was 20℃ and the volume of water for pouring was 75-90% of the rice flour amount. The bread grew and colored well by using the current air type of rice flours with the water volume of 75%, not over 80%. On the other hand, the coming mill type needed much more water (80-90%) but the bread colored worse with pouring water of 100%. The sensory test revealed that the water volume of 75% in the current air type was evaluated higher than that of 90% in the coming mill type.These results showed that the pouring water volume for rice flour bread depended on the mill method and the granularity.
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