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「全国闘牛サミット」は, 闘牛の担い手や行政の担当者が各地域から集まり, 闘牛の保存対策について意見を交換する協議会である。本稿の目的は, サミットの開催地における意義を解明することである。事例として, 2009年に岩手県久慈市で行われた「第12 回全国闘牛サミット」を挙げる。具体的には, サミットに対する行政の対応, 同時開催される記念闘牛大会の観客に焦点を当てた。闘牛大会で行ったアンケート調査の結果をもとに, 観客の闘牛との関わりを検討した。その結果, サミットの意義として行政が普段よりも積極的に闘牛の運営を支援すること, 住民の闘牛に関する関心が大きくなることを指摘できた。The "National Bullfighting Summit" has been set up with the view to discuss how bullfighting, a traditional Japanese event, may be reinstated as a popular activity. The aim of this paper is to study the significance of such a summit to the area that hosts it. I carried out a study on the 12th National Bullfighting Summit at Kuji city, Iwate Prefecture. This paper, in particular, focuses on the measure of support extended by the city office and individual spectators of a ceremonial bullfighting game that was jointly hosted by the city. I studied the extent of the involvement of the audience in the bullfighting from a questionnaire survey conducted at the game. As a result, I was able to point out the utility and functions of bullfighting summits in the host area. First, city offices were likely to be more positive and committed to the bullfighting than usual as a result of these summits. Second, these summits were responsible for drawing a number of new spectators to the bullfighting game.
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