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厳島神社は, 平清盛による仁安造営以来, 多くの社殿を有してきた。仁安造営後, 二度の火災に遭ったため, 仁安度の社殿は一棟も現存しておらず, 二度目の再建となる仁治度のものとしても, 本社拝殿と祓殿を挙げるのみである。広島大学総合博物館にある仁治度厳島神社復元模型は, その後に失われたり改変されたりした社殿を往時の状態に学術的に復元したものである。本稿は, その模型の設計に際して材木注文により復元考察を行った過程を示すことを目的とする。仁治度復元社殿の構造形式は, 柱に陸梁(ろくばり)を架け, 梁上は豕扠首(いのこさす)とし, 一軒疎垂木(ひとのきまばらだるき)の化粧屋根裏に切妻造(きりづまづくり)とするなど, 比較的画一であった。この基本的な構造形式を軸に, 各社殿の格式や機能に応じて細部意匠が決定されたものと考えられる。この復元模型により, 現在の厳島神社の社頭景観は, 仁治度と細部において変化したところが多いものの, 全体としての趣はほぼ踏襲されていることが鮮明となった。Itsukushima Shrine has been constructed in around 1168 by Taira-no-Kiyomori. The shrine is formed by several buildings which were built on the seashore and the surrounding area. However, the shrine was destroyed by fire twice. When the second reconstruction was almost completed, the sengu (the ceremony of transferring the temporary repository of the gods and goddesses to the new sanctuary) had taken place in the Ninji era (in the middle of the 13th century). Only two buildings, Haiden (the building of worship) and Haraiden (the building of purification) in Honsha were reconstructed during Ninji era and remained until now, while the other buildings were reconstructed several times after Ninji era.In this essay, I would like to focus on the order for woods, which were used for the second reconstruction in Ninji era. Moreover, by drawing the reconstruction, I am about to study and analyze the features of the Itsukushima Shrine.After the analysis, it is found that the majority of buildings in shrine are kept as a uniform construction. For example, the Hunahijiki (a kind of set of articles which looks like the bottom of a ship) on the column, the beam without curve etc. From the basic construction, I think that the design was decided by the formality and the function of each building.In addition, although the detailed design was changed partially, but the reconstructed shrine was highly appraised as it is still inheriting the construction of the Ninji era.
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