四宅ヤエさんの口承文芸テキスト おへそから出たスズメのしっぽ
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訳・註 田村雅史This text is a part of the materials which Keiici Tomimizu recorded from June 12, 1968 to July 7. In his book in which he arranged the materials,this text is called as “Poysa". The content of this text is the same as the narrative of Pananpe, which is usually recited by prose, but it is recited with refrain and rhythm in same way as Oyna. And in this text the expressions that Fujimura(1995) calls "Poysa" are included. In comparison with the description by Fujimura, however, we cannot judge clearly what kind of genre this text should be called as. Therefore, it may be said that this text is problematic example for the studies of Ainu folklore in East Hokkaido.
- 千葉大学ユーラシア言語文化論講座の論文
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- 四宅ヤエさんの口承文芸テキスト おへそから出たスズメのしっぽ
- 多言語社会ニッポン アイヌ語(7)アイヌ語研究史から見たアイヌ語教室