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We image Ainu studies are the study of traditional Ainu culture. But an interesting move occurred from 1995 through 2008. I call it "Contemporary Ainu Studies" or "Present Ainu Studies". My essay explains the two studies during the move,t he concept of the present studies, and how to study it. This summary I think will tell you about why it is important to study indigenous people's "contamporary" and "present" aspects. Scholars always talk about traditions. But the Ainu people's daily life is not traditional. A few things are different from our life. So scholars sometimes tell you that Ainu people lead contemporary lives, not different from a life you lead. Because it is emphasized that there is not big difference between the Ainu's daily life and other people's, the difference is not clear. If you know well about the traditional Ainu culture, you might think as following. Why not different? Scholars talk about traditions, but they are not studying contemporary Ainu culture. Infact,scholars talk about their fieldwork experience. They know contemporary Ainu's life is different. They only want to tell you the Ainu is not a traditional people. They want to avoid oral distinction such as "Ainu people maintain a traditional daily life, don't they? "On the other hand, they always talk about traditions in school or university. Traditional studies are important, but you know the contemporary life of the Ainu must be noted. The Ainu's daily life has many important and unknown things. An example is Hiroshi Higashimura's study during and after the 1950's on the Ainu's political activities, and another example is other people's Ainu storybooks and movies.I think a more important study is present studies, such as the new indigenous right law and the new policy, the Ainu people and the Ainu culture,the changing relationship between the Ainu people and other people, changes in other people's Ainu expression,and changes in the Ainu's self-expression. Please read the book wrritten by Yoshihiko Sekiguchi in 2008.・・・
- 千葉大学ユーラシア言語文化論講座の論文
千葉大学ユーラシア言語文化論講座 | 論文
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