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In 2004, the author pointed out some regional differences of the characteristics among the heroes of Ainu heroic epics and tried to interpret them as the race of the spread process of those epics. In 2008, professor Hiroshi Nakagawa also discussed partially similar facts and interpretations perhaps independent from the author's previous argument. This paper, examining some problems of professor Nakagawa's interpretations, displays the similarities and differences between both studies and reviews some controversial points of the present issue for further discussion.
- 千葉大学ユーラシア言語文化論講座の論文
千葉大学ユーラシア言語文化論講座 | 論文
- ユーラシア(徳永)文庫とシンポジウム開催 (特集 ユーラシア(徳永)文庫開設記念シンポジウム 徳永康元氏とその蔵書)
- 森林ネネツ(ロシア・西シベリア)のトナカイ牧畜--先行研究概説
- 荻原眞子先生 研究業績目録 (荻原眞子教授退職記念号)
- 北海道開拓記念館所蔵・林家文書のアイヌ語資料
- 二種類の『樺太土人旧慣調書』について