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This paper introduces a method for analyzing similarities and differences between relationships implied by "kedo" and "noni". In particular, the method involves analysis of the functions of "kedo" and "noni" using the contrastive relation and the relation of F-G. And applying the principal of subjectification, we found: Subjectification of connotation elicited by "Noni" usually -accompanies subjectification of the entities intended to be linked in contrastive relation. Thus, by using “noni", objective contrastive relation becomes subjective contrastive relation. In contrast, "kedo" does not subectivize. The contrastive relation between antecedent and consequent linked by "kedo" can only take a form of objective relationship, which in turn increases the possibility of making the relationship weaker. Thus,"kedo" not only has the functions of "to contradict" and "to contrast" but also has the functions of "to expand" and "to prepose". The contrastive relation linked by "noni" can be characterized by a subjective contrastive relation of speaker and the whole event (the front and rear events). Because this type of contrastive relation can only be realized when the objective contrastive relation exists, the objective contrastive relation must always be in a strong in order to have the contrastive relation of "noni ". Therefore, "noni" only has the functions of "to contradict" and "to contrast".
- 千葉大学ユーラシア言語文化論講座の論文
千葉大学ユーラシア言語文化論講座 | 論文
- ユーラシア(徳永)文庫とシンポジウム開催 (特集 ユーラシア(徳永)文庫開設記念シンポジウム 徳永康元氏とその蔵書)
- 森林ネネツ(ロシア・西シベリア)のトナカイ牧畜--先行研究概説
- 荻原眞子先生 研究業績目録 (荻原眞子教授退職記念号)
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