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As discussed in Ma Qingzhu (1981), Tai (1984), Guo Rui (1993), verb are typically classified into four different aspectual categories: State Activity, Accomplishment and Achievement based on various tests to verify that the verb can co-occur with a particular aspectual marker or a related time expression. It is generally believed that the aforementioned four aspectual categories are the labels that show the verb's innate lexical aspectual properties (or Aktionsarten). However,this static verbal classification ascribes a single aspectual label to each verb,and thus it is unable to properly capture the dynamism observed in actual verbal aspectual behaviors, i.e. verbs often show different aspectual properties when they are put in a different context because, for example, their meaning can be influenced by the semantics of a complement or direct object NP that the verbs take. Therefore,to solve the above problem with the traditional linguistic status of the four aspectual categories including State, Activity, Achievement and Accomplishment, this paper proposes an approach of handling these four categories as types of events denoted by a verbal phrase or sentence, not as static aspectual properties of verbs.
- 千葉大学ユーラシア言語文化論講座の論文
千葉大学ユーラシア言語文化論講座 | 論文
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- 荻原眞子先生 研究業績目録 (荻原眞子教授退職記念号)
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