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Recently, the author has researched into kamuy(deity) and inaw (offering to the deities). Until now, apekamuy(firedeity) has been regarded as the most important female deity, and her husband is cisekorkamuy(guardian of the house). He resides at the sacred corner of the house. However, according to ethnographic research on east hokkaido Ainu, the fire deity is a couple namely apeuciekasi(fire-male-deity) and apeucihuci(fire-female-deity), and they reside in the hearth. This important difference has been overlooked by many previous reseachers. The author's aim in this paper is to arrange and verify how the firedeity and guardian of the house appear in ethnography on whole district of hokkaido and sakhalin and ethnological materials which collected by many previous researchers. As the result of author's investigation, the style of guardian differ with district and sometimes the guardian can't be found in several districts. The author saw most interest date in the kachidistrict. In the Tokachi, the fire deity is a couple, and the female deity resides in the hearth, but the male deity resides at the sacred corner and he has been regarded as same deity to cisekamuy(deity of the house).
- 千葉大学ユーラシア言語文化論講座の論文
千葉大学ユーラシア言語文化論講座 | 論文
- ユーラシア(徳永)文庫とシンポジウム開催 (特集 ユーラシア(徳永)文庫開設記念シンポジウム 徳永康元氏とその蔵書)
- 森林ネネツ(ロシア・西シベリア)のトナカイ牧畜--先行研究概説
- 荻原眞子先生 研究業績目録 (荻原眞子教授退職記念号)
- 北海道開拓記念館所蔵・林家文書のアイヌ語資料
- 二種類の『樺太土人旧慣調書』について