医師からみた障害年金における「診断書」の取扱い (特集 「障害年金」にどう対応していくか)
論文 | ランダム
- A New Species of the Copidognathus tricorneatus Group (Acari : Halacaridae) from Western Australia with a Review of this Species-group
- A New Halacarid Genus (Acari : Halacaridae : Halacarinae) from the Great Meteor Seamount, Eastern North Atlantic
- Dose Estimation of Protracted Extemal Exposure of Inhabitants Living in Contaminated Area after The Chemobyl Accident
- An Analysis for Large Deflection Problems of Beams on Elastic Foundation by the Boundary Integral Equation Method : Series A : Solid-Mechanics, Strength of Materials
- 4. シーボルトの採集した貝類(日本貝類学会創立 60 周年記念大会(昭和 63 年度総会))