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Aim : To compare the changes in the pelvis and pelvic floor muscle function innormal pregnant women and pregnant women with cervical incompetence.【目的】正常妊婦と子宮頸管無力症妊婦の妊娠中の骨盤と骨盤底筋機能の変化を比較することである。【方法】対象者は14人の正常妊婦と10人の子宮頸管無力症妊婦であった。会陰腱中心の長さと骨盤の稜間径、棘間径、大転子間径の測定、さらには骨盤底筋機能の評価のために、座位での骨盤底筋収縮時の坐骨結節への圧の変化を測定した。測定は妊娠16-19週(1期)、妊娠24-27週(2期)、妊娠30-33週(3期)、妊娠36週以降(4期)と4回縦断的に実施した。【結果】正常妊婦の会陰腱中心は、妊娠進行に伴って有意に伸展した(p<0.05)が、子宮頸管無力症妊婦では差がなかった。骨盤底筋機能評価である骨盤底筋収縮時圧の最大減少率の平均は、妊娠24~27週において子宮頸管無力症妊婦が正常妊婦のより有意に低かった(p<0.05)。しかし妊娠36週以降の両者の会陰腱中心の長さと骨盤底筋機能の測定値は同程度となった。骨盤稜間径、棘間径、大転子間径の1期を基準とした4期の相対値は、正常妊婦が1.02・1.02・1.01、子宮頸管無力症妊婦は3か所すべて1.02であった。【結論】妊娠にともなう骨盤の広がりは、妊娠経過の異常の有無に関係なく起こる現象であることが示唆された。また、正常妊婦の会陰腱中心は妊娠経過に伴って有意に伸展した。これは、骨盤底筋の弛緩とそれに妊娠子宮の重みが加わった結果だと推測する。骨盤底筋機能評価方法には信頼性・妥当性の課題があるが、子宮頸管無力症妊婦においては、正常妊婦と比べ肛門挙筋や他の筋が妊娠初期から弛緩していることが推察される結果を得た。Methods : The subjects consisted of 14 normal pregnant women and 10 pregnantwomen with cervical incompetence. Perineal body lengths, intercristal, interspinousand intertrochanteric diameters, and pelvic floor muscle function were measured at16-19 (stage 1), 24-27 (stage 2), 30-33 weeks of gestation (stage 3) and 36 weeksof gestation onward (stage 4) longitudinally.Results : Perineal body lengths in normal pregnant women significantly increased asthe pregnancy progressed (p<0.05), but no significant difference was found inpregnant women with cervical incompetence. There were significant differences at24-27 weeks of gestation in pelvic floor muscle function, which was lower inpregnant women with cervical incompetence compared to normal pregnant women(p<0.05). However, in both groups, perineal body lengths and pelvic floor musclefunction were similar at 36 weeks of gestation onward. The relative values ofintercristal, interspinous and intertrochanteric diameters at stage 4 based on stage 1in normal pregnant women were 1.02, 1.02 and 1.01, respectively, while those inpregnant women with cervical incompetence were 1.02 at all three sites.Conclusion : This study suggested that widening of the pelvis associated withpregnancy is a phenomenon that occurs regardless of the presence or absence ofabnormality during the course of the pregnancy. Length of the perineal bodyincreased significantly in normal pregnant women during the course of thepregnancy. We infer that increased perineal body length is the result of therelaxation of pelvic floor muscles and weight of the pregnant uterus. We needdiscussion about reliability and validity to assess pelvic floor muscle function.Meanwhile, the result from this research could be that in the first trimester thelevator ani muscles and pelvic floor muscles of pregnant women with cervicalincompetence are already more relaxed than those of normal pregnant women.
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