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Expanding the period of teacher education from a Bachelor’s degree to a Master’s degreeis now being planned in Japan. Teacher education in Finland is famous for the requirementof a Master’s degree not only for secondary school teachers, but also for elementary schoolteachers. This tradition was started more than 30 years ago. Furthermore, Finnish teachereducation is called “research-based” teacher education; the teaching practice is also seenas an opportunity to practice research. We must know why such features of Finnish teachereducation have occurred because teacher education is based on the contexts of one’s owncountry. To explore the contexts of Finnish teacher education is the purpose of this paper.Especially, it focuses on the 1970s because many educational reforms took place in Finlandat that time. A Master’s degree is considered as the basic degree of graduation fromuniversities because of the reform in higher education. One reason for this is that Finnishhigher education had been infl uenced by the German Democratic Republic. The disciplineof education in Finland has been developed with teacher education, so didactics is the mostimportant sub discipline of education there. This is why teacher education in Finland has a“research-based” character.
論文 | ランダム
- The 14-3-3 Protein GF14c Acts as a Negative Regulator of Flowering in Rice by Interacting with the Florigen Hd3a
- The 14-3-3 protein GF14c acts as a negative regulator of flowering in rice by interacting with the florigen Hd3a
- Hd3a protein is mobile flowering signal in rice
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