世界史にみる"時代を劃した災害"ヒト・モノ・コト (特集 "災害の歴史"と人類の叡智--エピソード42) -- (人類が体験した"災害の歴史"=何をどう取り上げるか)
論文 | ランダム
- Multi-Objective Trajectory Optimization by a Hierarchical Gradient Algorithm with Fuzzy Decision Logic : Application to Slew Maneuver Problems of a Flexible Space Structure
- Colored images of Fission-tracks for distinguishing Three-dimensional Track-geometry
- Synthesis of ε-Fe_xN (2≦x≦3) Submicron Particles and the Diffusion Mechanism of Nitrogen Atoms
- Supplementary Note to "On the Transonic Flow past a Nearly Axisymmetric Slender Body"
- On the Damage Line for the Fatigue Life of Carbon Steel : Under Completely Reversed Plane Bending Fatigue Test