世界史にみる"時代を劃した災害"ヒト・モノ・コト (特集 "災害の歴史"と人類の叡智--エピソード42) -- (人類が体験した"災害の歴史"=何をどう取り上げるか)
論文 | ランダム
- Evaluation of an Aortic Stent Graft for Use in Surgery on Esophageal Cancer Involving the Thoracic Aorta : Experimental Study
- Spontaneous Regression in Small Cell Esophageal Carcinoma
- Locoregional adoptive immunotherapy resulted in regression in distant metastases of a recurrent esophageal cancer
- Three-field Dissection for Squamous Cell Carcinoma in the Thoracic Esophagus
- The singnificance of telomerase activity in cancer lesions and the noncancerous epithelium of the esophagus