四六時中アンテナを張り"洞察力"を磨き続ける (総力特集 ここが違う! 仕事が速い人の習慣--戦略的"グズ克服法"で"ストレスゼロ&残業ゼロ"を実現できる!) -- (仕事が速い人はここが違う!)
論文 | ランダム
- Low-Temperature Structure of [Fe(ptz)_6](BF_4)_2 : Determination by Synchrotron-Radiation X-ray Powder Study
- Chemical Substitution Effect on MgB2 Superconductor (Proceedings of the International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electrons with Orbital Degrees of Freedom(ORBITAL2001))
- Structural Change at Metal-Insulator Transition of Tb_2Ba_2Co_4O_
- Critical Slowing Down in La_Sr_MnO_3 : Comparison with La_Ca_MnO_3
- Structural Parameters of LaCoO_3 near the Spin State Transition