Electrical characteristics of novel non-porous low-k dielectric fluorocarbon on Cu interconnects for 22nm generation and beyond (Special issue: Advanced metallization for ULSI applications)
NOZAWA Toshihisa
Sugawa Shigetoshi
Graduate School Of Engineering Tohoku University
KUROKI Shin-Ichiro
Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University
Ohmi Tadahiro
New Industry Creation Hatchery Center (niche) Tohoku University
Teramoto Akinobu
New Industry Creation Hatchery Center (NICHe), Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8579, Japan
Nemoto Takenao
New Industry Creation Hatchery Center (NICHe), Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8579, Japan
Tomita Yugo
New Industry Creation Hatchery Center, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8579, Japan
Saito Akane
Tokyo Electron Technology Development Institute, Inc., Nirasaki, Yamanashi 407-0175, Japan
Miyatani Kotaro
Tokyo Electron Technology Development Institute, Inc., Nirasaki, Yamanashi 407-0175, Japan
Gu Xun
Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University
Kobayashi Yasuo
Tokyo Electron Technology Development Institute, Inc., Nirasaki, Yamanashi 407-0175, Japan
Shirotori Akihide
New Industry Creation Hatchery Center, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8579, Japan
- High Current Drivability FD-SOI CMOS with Low Source/Drain Series Resistance(Session 9B : Nano-Scale devices and Physics)
- High Current Drivability FD-SOI CMOS with Low Source/Drain Series Resistance(Session 9B : Nano-Scale devices and Physics)
- Subvector-Based Fast Encoding Method for Vector Quantization Without Using Two Partial Variances
- Performance Comparison between Equal-Average Equal-Variance Equal-Norm Nearest Neighbor Search (EEENNS) Method and Improved Equal-Average Equal-Variance Nearest Neighbor Search (IEENNS) Method for Fast Encoding of Vector Quantization(Image Processing and
- Fast Encoding Method for Image Vector Quantization Based on Multiple Appropriate Features to Estimate Euclidean Distance
- A Fast Encoding Method for Vector Quantization Using Modified Memory-Efficient Sum Pyramid
- A Fast Search Method for Vector Quantization Using Enhanced Sum Pyramid Data Structure(Image)
- An Improved Fast Encoding Algorithm for Vector Quantization Using 2-Pixel-Merging Sum Pyramid and Manhattan-Distance-First Check(Image Processing, Image Pattern Recognition)
- A Fast Encoding Method for Vector Quantization Using L_1 and L_2 Norms to Narrow Necessary Search Scope(Image Processing, Image Pattern Recognition)
- A Fast Encoding Method for Vector Quantization Based on 2-Pixel-Merging Sum Pyramid Data Structure(Image)
- A nonlinear cepstral compensation method for noisy speech processing (音声言語情報処理 研究報告 第1回音声言語シンポジウム(SPLC))
- Extracting person's speech individually from original records of meeting by speaker identification technique
- Control of nitrogen profile in radical nitridation of SiO_2 films
- Tribological study for low shear force CMP process on damascene interconnects (シリコン材料・デバイス)
- Fully-Parallel VLSI Implementation of Vector Quantization Processor Using Neuron-MOS Technology (Special Issue on Integrated Electronics and New System Paradigms)
- Impact of fully depleted silicon-on-insulator accumulation-mode CMOS on Si(110) (シリコン材料・デバイス)
- Performance Comparison of Ultra-thin FD-SOI Inversion-, Intrinsic- and Accumulation-Mode MOSFETs
- Highly Reliable MOS Trench Gate FET by Oxygen Radical Oxidation
- Improved J-E Characteristics and Stress Induced Leakage Currents (SILC) in Oxynitride Films Grown at 400℃ by Microwave-Excited High-Density Kr/O_2/NH_3 Plasma
- Low Temperature Gate Oxidation MOS Transistor Produced by Kr/O_2 Microwave Excited High-Density Plasma
- Ultra-Thin Silicon Oxynitride Film Grown at Low-Temperature by Microwave-Excited High-Density Kr/O_2/N_2 Plasma
- Ultra-Thin Silicon Oxynitride Films as Cu Diffusion Barrier for Lowering Interconnect Resistivity
- High-Integrity Silicon Oxide Grown at Low-Temperature by Atomic Oxygen Generated in High-Density Krypton Plasma
- High Sensitivity Dynamic Range Enhanced CMOS Imager with Noise Suppression
- Study on Compositional Transition Layers at Gate Dielectrics/Si Interface by using Angle-resolved X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
- Study on Compositional Transition Layers at Gate Dielectrics/Si Interface by using Angle-resolved X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
- Electric characteristics of Si_3N_4 films formed by directly radical nitridation on Si (110) and Si (100) surfaces
- Nitrogen Profile Study for SiON Gate Dielectrics of Advanced DRAM
- Low Contact Resistance with Low Schottky Barrier for N-type Silicon Using Yttrium Silicide
- Very Low Bit Error Rate in Flash Memory using Tunnel Dielectrics formed by Kr/O_2/NO Plasma Oxynitridation
- Improved Transconductance and Gate Insulator Integrity of MISFETs with Si_3N_4 Gate Dielectric Fabricated by Microwave-Excited High-Density Plasma at 400℃
- Low Resistivity PVD TaNx/Ta/TaNx Stacked Metal Gate CMOS Technology Using Self-Grown bcc-Phased Tantalum on TaNx Buffer Layer
- A Statistical Analysis of Distributions of RTS Characteristics by Wide-Range Sampling Frequencies
- A Statistical Analysis of Distributions of RTS Characteristics by Wide-Range Sampling Frequencies
- A Material of Semiconductor Package with Low Dielectric Constant, Low Dielectric Loss and Flat Surface for High Frequency and Low Power Propagation(Session2: Silicon Devices I)
- A Material of Semiconductor Package with Low Dielectric Constant, Low Dielectric Loss and Flat Surface for High Frequency and Low Power Propagation(Session2: Silicon Devices I)
- The Evaluation of New Amorphous Hydrocarbon Film aCHx, for Copper Barrier Dielectric Film in Low-k Copper Metallization
- A Large-Signal MOSFET Model Based on Transient Carrier Response for RF Circuits
- A High S/N Ratio Object Extraction CMOS Image Sensor with Column Parallel Signal Processing
- Damage-Free Microwave-Excited Plasma Contact Hole Etching without Carrier Deactivation at the Interface between Silicide and Heavily-Doped Si
- Tribological effects of brush scrubbing in post chemical mechanical planarization cleaning on electrical characteristics in novel non-porous low-k dielectric fluorocarbon on Cu interconnects (Special issue: Advanced metallization for ULSI applications)
- Electrical characteristics of novel non-porous low-k dielectric fluorocarbon on Cu interconnects for 22nm generation and beyond (Special issue: Advanced metallization for ULSI applications)
- Study of the Metal-Ferroelectric-Insulator-Si Structure Device Formation by Controlling Properties of High Frequency and Microwave Excited Plasma
- MFIS-structure Memory Device with High Quality Ferroelectric Sr_2(Ta_Nb_x)_2O_7 Formed by Physical Vapor Deposition and Oxygen Radical Treatment by Radical Oxygen Assisted Layer by Layer(ROALL) deposition
- Analysis of the Low-Frequency Noise Reduction in Si(100) Metal--Oxide--Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors
- Impact of Channel Direction Dependent Low Field Hole Mobility on (100) Orientation Silicon Surface
- Strain-Induced Back Channel Electron Mobility Enhancement in Polycrystalline Silicon Thin-Film Transistors Fabricated by Continuous-Wave Laser Lateral Crystallization
- A Very Low Dark Current Temperature-Resistant, Wide Dynamic Range, Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor Image Sensor
- The Effect of Organic Contaminations Molecular Weights in the Cleanroom Air on MOS Devices Degradation - a Controlled laminar Air Flow Experiment
- The Effect of Organic Compounds Contamination on the Electrical Characteristics of Ultra-Thin Gate Oxide Films
- Technology of Ferroelectric Thin Film Formation with Large Coercive Field for Future Scaling Down of Ferroelectric Gate FET Memory Device
- A New Statistical Evaluation Method for the Variation of MOSFETs
- Low Leakage Current and Low Resistivity p^+n Diodes on Si(110) Fabricated by Ga^+/B^+ Combination I/I and Low Temperature Annealing
- Enhancement of Current Drivability of Nanograting Polycrystalline Silicon Thin-Film Transistors
- Electrical Properties of Metal-Oxide-Containing SiO2 Films Formed by Organosiloxane Sol–Gel Precursor
- High-Quality SiO2 Film Formation below 400 °C by Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition Using Tetraethoxysilane Source Gas
- Formation of Ferroelectric Sr_2(Ta_,Nb_x)_2O_7 Thin Film on Amorphous SiO_2 by Microwave-Excited Plasma Enhanced Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Impact of The Improved High Performance Si(110) Oriented MOSFETs by Using Accumulation-Mode Fully Depleted SOI Devices
- Ferroelectric Properties of Lead Zirconate Titanate Thin Film on Glass Substrate Crystallized by Continuous-Wave Green Laser Annealing
- A Comparative Examination of Polyoxide Films Performance Grown by Conventional Dry Thermal (900℃) or Plasma Assisted (400℃) Oxidation Techniques
- Impact of High Performance Accumulation-Mode Fully Depleted SOI MOSFETs (先端デバイスの基礎と応用に関するアジアワークショップ(AWAD2005))
- Impact of High Performance Accumulation-Mode Fully Depleted SOI MOSFETs (先端デバイスの基礎と応用に関するアジアワークショップ(AWAD2005))
- Highly reliable radical SiO2 films on atomically flat silicon surface formed by low temperature pure Ar annealing (Special issue: Dielectric thin films for future electron devices: science and technology)
- Large-scale test circuits for high-speed and highly accurate evaluation of variability and noise in metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor electrical characteristics
- Characteristics of Nano-Grating N-Channel MOSFETs for Improved Current Drivability(Semiconductor Materials and Devices)
- Lateral Recrystallized Si Thin Films with Large Tensile Strain for High Performance Thin Film Transistors
- Anomalous Random Telegraph Signal Extractions from a Very Large Number of n-Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors Using Test Element Groups with 0.47 Hz–3.0 MHz Sampling Frequency
- Complementary Metal–Oxide–Silicon Field-Effect-Transistors Featuring Atomically Flat Gate Insulator Film/Silicon Interface
- Enlargement of Crystal-Grains in Thin Silicon Films Using Continuous-Wave Laser Irradiation
- High Sensitivity Dynamic Range Enhanced Complementary Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor Imager with Noise Suppression
- A New Microwave-Excited Plasma Etching Equipment for Separating Plasma Excited Region from Etching Process Region
- Tri-Gate Polycrystalline Silicon Thin-Film Transistors Fabricated by Continuous-Wave Laser Lateral Crystallization with Improved Electron Transport Properties (Special Issue : Solid State Devices and Materials (1))
- Mobile-Ion-Induced Charge Loss Failure in Silicon–Oxide–Nitride–Oxide–Silicon Two-Bit Storage Flash Memory
- Impact of Tungsten Capping Layer on Yttrium Silicide for Low-Resistance n+-Source/Drain Contacts
- Very Low Bit Error Rate in Flash Memory Using Tunnel Dielectrics Formed by Kr/O2/NO Plasma Oxynitridation
- Robust Ultralow-k Dielectric (Fluorocarbon) Deposition by Microwave Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Integration Process Development for Improved Compatibility with Organic Non-Porous Ultralow-k Dielectric Fluorocarbon on Advanced Cu Interconnects
- Evaluation of New Amorphous Hydrocarbon Film for Copper Barrier Dielectric Film in Low-$k$ Copper Metallization
- In-Plane Grain Orientation Alignment of Polycrystalline Silicon Films by Normal and Oblique-Angle Ion Implantations
- Recovery Characteristics of Anomalous Stress-Induced Leakage Current of 5.6 nm Oxide Films
- High-Quality Silicon Oxide Film Formed by Diffusion Region Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition and Oxygen Radical Treatment Using Microwave-Excited High-Density Plasma
- A Study on Very High Performance Novel Balanced Fully Depleted Silicon-on-Insulator Complementary Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors on Si(110) Using Accumulation-Mode Device Structure for Radio-Frequency Analog Circuits
- A Low-Dielectric-Constant Sr2(Ta1-x,Nbx)2O7 Thin Film Controlling the Crystal Orientation on an IrO2 Substrate for One-Transistor-Type Ferroelectric Memory Device
- Relationship between Sr2(Ta1-x,Nbx)2O7 Crystal Phase and RF-Sputtering Plasma Condition for Metal–Ferroelectric–Insulator–Si Structure Device Formation
- Technology of Ferroelectric Thin-Film Formation with Large Coercive Field on Amorphous SiO2 by Ion-Bombardment-Assisted Sputtering and Oxygen Radical Treatment for Future Scaling Down of Ferroelectric Gate Field-Effect Transistor Memory Device
- Development of Microwave-Excited Plasma-Enhanced Metal–Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition System for Forming Ferroelectric Sr2(Ta1-x,Nbx)2O7 Thin Film on Amorphous SiO2
- Fabrication of Pt/Sr2(Ta1-x,Nbx)2O7/IrO2/SiO2/Si Device with Large Memory Window and Metal–Ferroelectric–Metal–Insulator–Si Field-Effect Transistor
- High-Speed Damage-Free Contact Hole Etching Using Dual Shower Head Microwave-Excited High-Density-Plasma Equipment
- Electric Characteristics of Si3N4 Films Formed by Directly Radical Nitridation on Si(110) and Si(100) Surfaces
- Performance Comparison of Ultrathin Fully Depleted Silicon-on-Insulator Inversion-, Intrinsic-, and Accumulation-Mode Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors
- A 2.8 μm Pixel-Pitch 55 ke
- On the Interface Flattening Effect and Gate Insulator Breakdown Characteristic of Radical Reaction Based Insulator Formation Technology
- Low-Temperature Recrystallization of Ferroelectric Lead Zirconate Titanate Thin Films on Glass Substrate Using Continuous-Wave Green Laser
- Impact of Improved High-Performance Si(110)-Oriented Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors Using Accumulation-Mode Fully Depleted Silicon-on-Insulator Devices
- Analysis of Continuous-Wave Laser Lateral Crystallized Polycrystalline Silicon Thin Films with Large Tensile Strain
- Formation and Property of Yttrium and Yttrium Silicide Films as Low Schottcky Barrier material for n-Type Silicon
- Roughness Reduction in Polycrystalline Silicon Thin Films Formed by Continuous-Wave Laser Lateral Crystallization with Cap SiO2 Thin Films
- Enlargement of Crystal Grains in Thin Silicon Films by Continuous-Wave Laser Irradiation
- A Column-Parallel Hybrid Analog-to-Digital Converter Using Successive-Approximation-Register and Single-Slope Architectures with Error Correction for Complementary Metal Oxide Silicon Image Sensors
- New Statistical Evaluation Method for the Variation of Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors