北海道 沖縄食糧は北海道米で7商品、ゆめぴりかは「高級米」の取り扱いに ななつぼしが北海道産米初の食味ランキング「特A」に (ワイド構成/産米特集)
論文 | ランダム
- Multiple inflammatory cytokine-productive ThyL-6 cell line established from a patient with thymic carcinoma
- Frequent detection of multidrug-resistant pneumonia-causing bacteria in the pneumonia lung tissues of patients with hematological malignancies
- Fludarabine-Mediated Circumvention of Cytarabine Resistance Is Associated with Fludarabine Triphosphate Accumulation in Cytarabine-Resistant Leukemic Cells
- Successful treatment of primary central nervous system lymphoma in an elderly patient
- Esophageal Erosion as a Possible Bacterial Entry Site in an Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Patient with Sepsis