論文 | ランダム
- Fundamental Studies on Electron Beam Welding of Heat resistant Superalloys for Nuclear Plants (Report IV) : Effect of High Temperature He on the Properties of Weld Joints(Materials, Metallurgy, Weldability)
- Fundamental Studies of Electron Beam Welding of Heat-resistant Superalloys for Nuclear Plants (Report 5) : Mechanical Properties of Welded Joint
- Fundamental Studies on Electron Beam Welding of Heat-resistant Superalloys for Nuclear Plants (Report 4) : Temperature and Stress Distribution during Welding
- Fundamentale Studien zum ElektronenstrahlschweiBen von Hitzebestandigen Legierungen fur Kernkraftanlagen (Bericht 3) : Metallurgische Betrachtungen uber MikroriB
- Fundamental Studies on Electron Beam Welding of Heat-resistant Superalloys for Nuclear Plants (Report II) : Correlation between Susceptibility to Weld Cracking and Characteristics in Hot Ductility and Trans-Varestraint Test