論文 | ランダム
- The Effect of Resistance Training on Body Composition and Resting Metabolic Rate in Young Women (Kawasaki Medical Welfare Journal Vol.8,No.2,1998 Abstracts)
- Marathoner's Injuries as Observed at Medical Relief Stations (Kawasaki Medical Welfare Journal Vol.7,No.2,1997 Abstracts)
- An Assessment of Muscle Strength in the Lower Extremity of Older Men (Kawasaki Medical Welfare Journal Vol.7,No.1,1997 Abstracts) : A Comparison of Soccer Players and Non Players
- 飯田清次郎古墳の副葬品 (新潟大学考古学研究室2008年度佐渡調査報告)
- 子育てバリアフリーを通した福祉のまちづくりに関する検討