基調講演 新成長戦略と関西経済の活性化 (特集 新成長戦略にチャレンジ、未来を拓く市工研の業界支援・企業支援 大阪市立工業研究所との産官技術交流会)
論文 | ランダム
- Absorption and translocation of nitrogen in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) plants using the ^N tracer technique(Plant Nutrition)
- Multistep mouse mammary tumorigenesis through preneoplasia to neoplasia and acquisition of metastatic potential
- Analysis of the nitrogen nutrition of soybean plants with deep placement of coated urea and lime nitrogen(Plant Nutrition)
- Characteristics of initial growth of hypernodulation soybean mutants, NOD1-3, NOD2-4 and NOD3-7, affected by inoculation of bradyrhizobia and nitrate supply(Plant Nutrition)
- Effect of nitrogen supply on nitrogen and carbohydrate constituent accumulation in rhizomes and storage roots of Curcuma alismatifolia Gagnep.(Plant Nutrition)