論文 | ランダム
- サルモネラワクチン、フマル酸及び乾燥酵母細胞壁の飼料添加による鶏のSalmonella Enteritidis排菌抑制効果
- Porcelain Laminate Veneers and Zirconia-ceramic Crown Restorations with Crown Lengthening for Esthetic Treatment : A Case Report
- Restoration of Malpositioned Maxillary Incisors and Median Diastema with a Zirconia All-ceramic System : A Case Report
- Treatment of Completely Edentulous Patient with Implant-supported Fixed Prostheses
- Evaluation of tumor development from the viewpoint of the three-dimensional configuration of isolated crypts in colorectal adenomas with a type IIIL pit pattern