論文 | ランダム
- Polymorphism of the C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Gene Is Related to Serum CRP Level and Arterial Pulse Wave Velocity in Healthy Elderly Japanese
- 術前後で^I-MIBG心筋シンチグラム所見を検討し得た褐色細胞腫の1例
- The Association Study of Calcitonin-Receptor-Like Receptor (CRLR) Gene in Essential Hypertension (EH)(Hypertension, Clinical 7 (H), The 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- 無機顔料ウルトラマリン(群青)の合成研究 (第一報)
- Haplotype-Based Case-Control Study Revealing an Association between the Adrenomedullin Gene and Proteinuria in Subjects with Essential Hypertension