特集 自給率向上のための国産麦の増産をめざして
論文 | ランダム
- High-Speed Stereo-Observations of Highly Erosive Cavitating Flow-Pattern around a Typical Butterfly-Valve of Offset-Leaf-Type.
- Excellent Vented Performance of the Medium-Consistency-Centrifugal Slurry-Pump (1st Report, On a Simple Case When the Air is Naturally Vented Through Four Holes on the Suction Pipe Wall)
- DA-9601 Decreases Immediate-Type Allergic Reaction and Tumor Necrosis Factor-α Production
- Remarkable Effects of Leading- and Trailing-Edge-Shapes on Violent Vibrations of Supercavitating Hydrofoils.
- Laser Observations on the Inner-Flow-Structure of Highspeed-Water-Jets