ベーシックインカム論争史がわかるゼロ年代ブックガイド (特集 マジでベーシックインカム!?) -- (これが日本のベーシックインカム論だ)
論文 | ランダム
- Alternatives to carcinogenicity testing using ras H2 mice : dose range finding study for the 26-week assay by the intermittent dosing of cyclophosphamide in order to assess the inducibility of urothelial tumors.
- A theoretical attempt on the packing of powders.
- Progressive changes of the growth characteristics of the human diploid cells in serial cultivation in vitro
- An improved bridgman apparatus for preparation of organic mixed crystal scintillators.
- Effect of cobalt applied as fertilizer on the cobalt content of pasture grass.