東京23区における灰溶融施設の課題と今後の取組 (特集 焼却灰をどうするか,焼却灰の処理とリサイクル)
論文 | ランダム
- Enhancing active learning through self- and- peer reflections: the case of selected school in Ethiopia (Special issue: Quality of education in Africa: Africa-Asia university dialogue for basic education development (2))
- Correlation between interrupting capability and airflow velocity distribution in flat-type arc quenching chamber
- Total Voltage Drops in Electrode Fall Regions of SF6 Arcs between Electrodes of Cu-W,Cu,Fe,Ti,C and W in Current Range from 10 to 20000A (特集:ガス絶縁およびガス絶縁機器)
- 行政指導による農村土地利用の自治的管理について : 静岡県豊岡村と石川県根上町を例として
- Cultural characteristics of Laetiporus sulphureus, producing an anti-thrombin substance