高分子主鎖のスクランブリング反応 (特集 反応性高分子で"機能性"を差別化する!)
大塚 英幸
OTSUKA Hideyuki
Department of Chemical Science and Technology, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University
Otsuka Hideyuki
Institute For Materials Chemistry And Engineering Kyushu University
Otsuka Hideyuki
Institute For Fundamental Research Of Organic Chemistry Kyushu University
- 高分子主鎖のスクランブリング反応 (特集 反応性高分子で"機能性"を差別化する!)
- 生分解性セグメント化ポリウレタンとそのポリ乳酸ブレンドの構造と物性
- Fabrication of Conjugated Polymer Hybrid Thin Films with Radially Oriented Aluminosilicate Nanofibers by Spin-Assembly
- リジンジイソシアナートを用いたセグメント化ポリウレタンウレアの特性解析と分解挙動
- Preparation of Novel Polymer Hybrids from Imogolite Nanofiber
- リジンジイソシアナートを用いたセグメント化ポリウレタンウレアの特性解析と分解挙動
- Influence of magadiite dispersion states on the flammability of polystyrene and polyphenylene ether-polystyrene alloy nanocomposites
- 「動的共有結合化学」に基づく分子構築・集積 : 超分子, 高分子の新しい合成プロトコル
- (Inorganic Nanofiber/Enzyme) Hybrid Hydrogel : Preparation, Characterization, and Enzymatic Activity of Imogolite/Pepsin Conjugate
- 動的共有結合に基づく構造変換可能な高分子材料
- 動的共有結合を用いた精密高分子合成と高分子複合化 : 自在に構造再編成可能な高分子の創製を目指して
- 研究開発情報 高機能化を指向した異種高分子の主鎖交換反応
- 九州大学 先導物質化学研究所 複合分子システム分野
- 動的共有結合を利用した高分子の再編成
- 研究開発事例 天然ナノファイバー「イモゴライト」とそのナノハイブリッド化 (特集 繊維の世界を変えるナノファイバーテクノロジー)
- 「弱い共有結合」を基盤とする反応性高分子の設計-ヘミアセタールエステルの化学を利用した高分子設計-
- Immobilization of the Ring Inversion Motion in Calix[6]arene by a Cap with C_3-Symmetry
- Molecular Design of a Calix[6]arene-Based Super-Uranophile with C_3 Symmetry. High UO_2^ Selectivity in Solvent Extraction
- Analysis of Molecular Aggregation States in Pentacene Thin Films Prepared from Soluble Precursor
- Molecular Aggregation Structure of Poly(fluoroalkyl acrylate) Thin Films Evaluated by Synchrotron-sourced Grazing-incidence X-ray Diffraction
- Thin Silica Film with a Network Structure as Prepared by Surface Sol-Gel Transcription on the Poly(styrene-b-4-vinylpyridine) Polymer Film
- Thermal Degradation Behavior of Polystyrene/Magadiite Nanocomposites Prepared by Surface-initiated Nitroxide-Mediated Radical Polymerization
- Surface Modification of Aluminosilicate Nanofiber "Imogolite"
- Dewetting Inhibition and Interfacial Structures of Silsesquioxane-terminated Polystyrene Thin Films
- Stabilization of Polystyrene Thin Films against Dewetting by Silsesquioxane-terminated Polystyrene Additives
- Fabrication of Three-component Micropatterned Organosilane Monolayer by a Stepwise Photolithography Process
- Arm-replaceable star-like nanogels : arm detachment and arm exchange reactions by dynamic covalent exchanges of alkoxyamine units
- "Substitutable" Polymer Brushes : Reactive Poly(methacrylate) Brushes with Exchangeable Alkoxyamine Units in the Side Chain
- Adsorbent for Di-n-butyl Phthalate using Chitosan Beads with Upper- or Lower-Rim Substituted Water-soluble Calixarenes
- Adsorption of Di-n-butyl Phthalate by Chitosan Beads Modified with Water-soluble Calixarenes
- 構造再編成可能な動的共有結合ポリマー
- Surface Modification of Individual Imogolite Nanotubes with Alkyl Phosphate from an Aqueous Solution
- Molecular Aggregation State and Electrical Properties of Terthiophenes/Imogolite Nanohybrids
- ラジカル反応を利用した反応性化学架橋高分子の設計
- 自発的に組み換わる動的共有結合を有する架橋高分子の合成と自己修復挙動 (特集 自己修復材料)
- 自発的に組み換わる動的共有結合を有する架橋高分子の合成と自己修復挙動
- Reversibly Crosslinked Polymeric Micelles Formed by Autonomously Exchangeable Dynamic Covalent Bonds