診療報酬と精神保健福祉士--精神科病院改革・脱施設化を進めるために知っておくべき医療経済と診療報酬の仕組み (特集 精神科医療における精神保健福祉士の今日的課題--揺るがない基盤をつくりだす道程)
論文 | ランダム
- HEAD研究会「外壁の性能と選択肢」
- 特集 頭頸部癌治療の進歩--集学的治療の重要性
- Acoustical letter: Reexamination of fast head-related transfer function measurement by reciprocal method
- Apparent mass and seat-to-head transmissibility responses of seated occupants under single and dual axis horizontal vibration (Special issue: Whole-body vibration injuries)
- Influence of support conditions on vertical whole-body vibration of the seated human body (Special issue: Whole-body vibration injuries)